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Wanderlust, Pecorino 22’

Our expression of pecorino is a beautiful entanglement of bright and rich characteristics. This organic practice, traditionally made wine is dry with aromatics of fine golden pears, saline, minerality, and fragrant white flowers on the nose. Gentle and highly appealing palate of perfectly ripe fruit; pear, guava, lemon blossom, and apricot. Our 2022 pecorino is full-bodied with linear appeal and crisp acidity rounded to the finish.

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$76 / 750ml

  • Certified organic means toxin-free.

    Commercial wine companies may use up to 76 FDA-approved additives (like toxic dimethyl dicarbonate); we do not.

  • We use only ancient Italian methods as the generations before us for the purest wines as the founders did over 1600 years ago; using hand-havesting, hand-pressing, and hand-pruning methods and chemical-free managment.

  • An ancient farming method, dry farming means vines grow without irrigation, encouraging healthier grapes and more complex wines.

  • Item description
  • We do not use animal products in our products; which other competitors often use for filtration.

  • This wine is fermented completely dry with less than 1 gram per liter.

  • 'Single Vineyard' is a term used in the wine industry referencing that the wine in the bottle comes from a single vineyard site. Which means this particular vineyard, and the grapes grown there, have been isolated from all other vineyards due to its superiority.